Fremantle on Thursday said it has promoted Fran Denny to the role of vp commercial, global drama, reporting to Seb Shorr, chief operating officer, global drama.““In this newly created role Fran will work closely with Seb on the commercial operations of the global drama team, leading on deal-making for our first-look producers, supporting the broader group film strategy, and sourcing new opportunities for the team,” the production giant said.Denny joined Fremantle in February 2022 as legal & business affairs manager, global drama and documentarie. She was then promoted to the position of vp legal & business affairs, global drama in April 2023.Prior to joining Fremantle, the executive worked at Sister Pictures and Warner Brothers Television Production U.K.“It has been a pleasure working with Fran over the past three years, and I highly value her commercial acumen and deal-making skills,” said Shorr. “I look forward to working with Fran more closely in her newly created role, which is key to our global drama growth ambitions.”Fremantle, which has been touting its growing film business, is part of RTL Group, owned by German media giant Bertelsmann.The company has remained busy in the run-up to the end of the year. It recently signed a new five-year agreement with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver‘s Jamie Oliver Group, extending their “long-term partnership and successful collaboration … spanning over two decades.” And on Wednesday, it unveiled Kugel, an eight-episode spin-off series of the Israeli hit show Shtisel, written by its co-creator Yehonatan Indursky and directed by Erez Kavel. The series is a collaboration between Abot Hameiri, Fremantle, and Menuetto Film, with Fremantle selling the show internationally.
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