Monday 1 July 2024

Broadband TV News: Javier González Núñez, new director of International Commercial for RTVE

Story from Broadband TV News:

Javier González Núñez has been appointed director of the International Commercial area of RTVE, replacing María Jesús Pérez, after her recent retirement.

Born in Madrid, he holds a degree in Advertising from the Centro Español de Nuevas Profesiones and a Master’s degree in Advertising Media from ESIC.

During his career at RTVE, González Núñez held the position of national Sales Director until the end of advertising on RTVE and subsequently served as Deputy Director of Management, Contracting, and Administration at RTVE.

In his professional career outside RTVE, he was Commercial Director at Telemadrid, General Director at Sun Media Spain, and Development Executive at Publiespaña (Mediaset). Upon his return to the public corporation, within the Commercial Directorate, he has been Head of rtveplay+, TVE’s international platform, until his current appointment.

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