Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Broadband TV News: International launch for TF1+ confirmed

Story from Broadband TV News:

TF1 has confirmed plans to extend its recently launched streaming service into additional markets.

The French commercial broadcaster says TF1+ got off to “a very good start”.

In the first quarter TF1+ recorded an average of 33 million monthly streamers and 35 million in March, a new record, which compares to 28 million monthly streamers for predecessor MYTF1 in 2023.

The platform recorded 285 million hours streamed (an uplift of 13% compared with the first quarter of 2023), according to Médiamétrie, which includes environments where MYTF1 is maintained ahead of a TF1+ launch.

TF1+ will arrive in Belgium and Luxembourg in June.

Media sector revenues came to €453.1 million, up 8.1% on 2023, thanks to an improvement in linear advertising and the launch of the TF1+ platform.

TF1+ will shortly launch a new recommendation engine, known as Synchro, which is designed to find shows suitable for multiple family members.

Customised post-match summaries will be available in the autumn thanks to the relaunch of Top Chromo.

The system was first tested during the 2023 Rugby World Cup and provides an AI enhanced match summary based on the time available in 5, 10 and 15 minute segments.

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