Sony Pictures Television vet Suzanne Prete, who has driven the studio’s game show division since its launch in 2022, has been upped to president. The exec will continue to report to Sony Pictures TV chairman Ravi Ahuja, who announced the news Thursday in a memo to staffers.“We established our dedicated game show group just two years ago, and under Suzanne’s leadership, our game show division has excelled beyond even our lofty expectations,” Ahuja said in the note, pointing particularly to Prete’s stewardship of both “Jeopardy!” and “Wheel of Fortune.”“With her keen understanding of the incredible value these series hold, Suzanne was instrumental in securing a landmark five-year renewal deal with ABC to take the shows through the 2027-2028 season. She is also a driving force in expanding these syndicated powerhouses into multi-faceted franchises, including primetime specials such as ‘Celebrity Wheel of Fortune,’ ‘Celebrity Jeopardy!’ and ‘Jeopardy! Masters.'”Prete had most recently served as exec VP of game shows at Sony Pictures TV, overseeing business operations and game show content creation. The launch of the game show division came following a restructure of Sony’s unscripted departments in 2022, when the studio acquired a majority stake in Industrial Media, and Industrial’s Eli Holzman joined as Sony Pictures TV’s president of nonfiction entertainment, while the studio announced an expansion in game shows under Prete.Prete also recently sold and produced a new U.S. adaptation of “Raid the Cage” for CBS. Other programs under her watch include “The $100,000 Pyramid.” Next up, she will oversee the host transition on “Wheel” as Ryan Seacrest succeeds Pat Sajak to host the 42nd season of “Wheel of Fortune” in 2024.Prete first joined Sony Pictures TV in 1995 as a production attorney. Her work on strategic licensing deals, in-show product integrations and business partnerships on titles like “Wheel” and “Jeopardy!” included licensing those titles in the lottery, slot machine, and online gaming spaces.
Thursday, 15 February 2024
Variety: Sony Pictures TV Game Show Head Suzanne Prete Upped to President
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