Thursday 29 February 2024

Broadband TV News: Swiss Confederation cool on Vodafone Italia-Swisscom deal

Story from Broadband TV News:

Switzerland’s largest political party has voiced its opposition to a deal between Vodafone and Swisscom over the sale of its Italian unit.

Vodafone confirmed on Wednesday that it was in talks to sell Vodafone Italia for £6.8 billion. The British telco said it discussions were underway with Swisscom’s Italian subsiduary Fastweb.

“The Swiss Confederation is the majority shareholder of Swisscom and is therefore ultimately liable for the company,” the right-wing Swiss Peoples’ Party, or SVP, said in a statement. “The SVP Switzerland rejects foreign adventures when the state de facto guarantees for losses.”

Switzerland’s government holds a 51% stake in Swisscom following its privatisation in the late 1990s.

Vodafone’s previously rejected forming a joint operation in Italy with French company, Iliad.

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