The announcement was made shortly after Disney announced that Debra O'Connell was being elevated to a newly created role as president, News Group and Networks, Disney Entertainment, adding ABC News to her purview that includes the ABC Owned Television Stations and P&L responsibilities across the Disney multiplatform linear entertainment networks. Godwin, along with Chad Matthews, reports to O'Connell, adding an additional layer of reporting structure between her and Dana Walden, co-chairman, Disney Entertainment.“To officially join ABC News with our owned television stations, working with Chad Matthews and under Debra’s leadership, will allow us to better amplify the incredible work we all produce daily,” Godwin wrote in a note to staffers. “Debra and I have collaborated over the last couple of years, and she is a dedicated leader who always champions the best in journalism.”Godwin joined ABC News in 2021. Although the network’s Good Morning America and World News Tonight still top in total viewers, the network’s rivals have been quick to cite a narrowed competitive landscape in the 25-54 demo. (CBS Mornings topped the morning shows on Monday, the day after the network had the Super Bowl).Godwin has presided over some tumult during her tenure. That has included the departure of T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach last year from GMA3, amid a tabloid scandal over their off-screen romantic relationship, as well as a series of layoffs last year, when she realigned her leadership team. In recent days there has been some buzz about her future at the network.
Thursday, 15 February 2024
Deadline: Kim Godwin Extends Deal To Remain President Of ABC News
Story from Deadline: