Indian media and entertainment convention FICCI Frames has tapped Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana as its brand ambassador as the event gears up for its silver jubilee celebration. The annual Mumbai-based confab, which has previously hosted Hollywood heavyweights Hugh Jackman, James Murdoch and National Geographic Partners chair Gary Knell, will center on the theme “RISE: Redefining Innovation, Sustainability, and Excellence.”Under the leadership of JioStar Entertainment CEO Kevin Vaz, who chairs the FICCI Media and Entertainment Committee, the convention continues its legacy of bridging global entertainment industry leaders. The event’s storied history includes appearances by Indian media mogul Mukesh Ambani and Bollywood icons Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan.The 25th edition will spotlight emerging technologies including AI, virtual reality and the metaverse, alongside traditional media sectors. The convention features keynote addresses, masterclasses, policy roundtables, the Best Animated FRAMES Awards, and cultural programming. The event currently operates with co-chairs Sandhya Devanathan of Meta India and Warner Bros. Discovery’s Arjun Nohwar.
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Variety: Bollywood Buzz
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