James Gunn has confirmed that Ana Nogueira will be the writer taking Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow to the big screen.In a post shared on social media, the DC Studios co-head welcomed Nogueira, giving her props for the adaptation she’s working on.“A hearty public welcome to Ana Nogueira to the DC Studios family,” Gunn shared in an Instagram post. “Ana is an amazing writer whose screenplay adaptation of Woman of Tomorrow is above and beyond anything I hoped it would be. We’re excited to be moving forward on this unique take on Supergirl in this beautiful, star-spanning tale.”Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is a stand-alone film revolving around Kara Zor-El, Superman’s cousin. The movie is part of the DC Universe Gunn and Peter Safran have been working on. Gunn is already attached to write and direct Superman: Legacy with David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan set to star with a release on July 11, 2025.In film, Supergirl was most recently played by Sasha Calle in The Flash. The hope was for Calle to take on a bigger role within the DC Universe but her casting was done under the previous DC Studios administration and before Gunn and Safran came in to take over the direction of the comic book films.
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Deadline: James Gunn Says Ana Nogueira’s ‘Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow’ Script Is “Above And Beyond Anything I Hoped It Would Be”
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