Thursday 31 August 2023

Broadband TV News: UPC becomes Play in Poland

Story from Broadband TV News:

The legal merger of UPC Polska and P4 (Play) has taken place today (August 31).

According to Play, this the last formal stage of an integration process that began in April 2022. It adds that this was followed in record time by the introduction of a joint offer a month later and launch of a ground-breaking New Generation Television service with the first point system on the market this year.

With the entry in the National Court Register, UPC Polska has formally become part of the P4 company, which took over all rights and obligations of UPC Polska. This means that current UPC Polska customers can continue to use their services under the current conditions. The duration of the contracts, the amount of fees and the bank account details for making payments remain unchanged.

As previously reported by Broadband TV News, iliad’s Play completed the acquisition of a 100% stake in UPC Polska from Liberty Global in April last year.

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