Monday 22 May 2023

Deadline: Donald Trump Proposes CNN A Second Town Hall & Calls Out ‘The View’ Co-Host Alyssa Farah Griffin

Stort from Deadline:

Donald Trump wants more airtime on CNN and is proposing the news network a second town hall.

The former president of the United States brought in the numbers for CNN earlier this month during a town hall moderated by Kaitlan Collins. According to Nielsen ratings, Trump brought in a total of 3.3 million viewers, outpacing its cable rivals Fox News and MSNBC during the same time slot.

In a post on Truth Social on May 20, Trump called the town hall “absolutely lovely” and said it was one of CNN’s “biggest ratings nights in years.”

“CNN, let’s do another one?” he proposed.

Trump’s proposal came as the Republican went on a tirade against The View co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin, who also contributes to CNN and also formerly served in the Trump Administration.

“Word is that they are revolting at the View and CNN, and want Farrah [sic] OUT!” Trump posted. “She tried to delete out her words but we got them ALL. I don’t see how she lasts because this ‘stuff’ shows what a phony she is. MUCH MORE TO COME!”

Trump also shared a video where Farah Griffin praises the former POTUS calling him a “remarkable man” and “strong leader for our nation.” In the video, the political commentator was commenting on her first encounter with Trump, having met him while she worked for Vice President Mike Pence.

“Backbencher in the Trump Administration, Alyssa Farah, like so many other sleazebags, had only glowing reviews of the Trump Administration until long after she left. A loser then, and a loser now! More to follow,” Trump posted.

Farah Griffin distanced herself from Trump following the January 6 U.S. Capitol attack in 2021 and quit the administration. Since then, she landed as a co-host on The View for ABC giving insight to conservative takes and she regularly contributes to CNN. She recently defended CNN for airing the Trump town hall saying, “America got to see who he is last night: a ranting, raving lunatic, who sided with Vladimir Putin.”

In a second video shared by Trump, Farah Griffin calls out the media for portraying Trump in a negative light.

“So cool to watch her twist,” Trump captioned the video.

Deadline has reached out to ABC and Farah Griffin for comment and will update you when we hear back.