Monday, 29 April 2024

RTÉ News: Martin says she wants to move quickly after receiving RTÉ reports

Story from RTÉ News:

Minister for Media Catherine Martin has said she received three reports about RTÉ over the weekend and that she wants to move quickly on bringing them to Cabinet and acting on their recommendations.

She said it will take her a number of days to consider the contents of the reports, one reviewing the culture and governance at the national broadcaster, another on HR and staff matters, and the final Mazars report.

Ms Martin said she hopes that if RTÉ respond positively to the recommendations in the two Government reports, she can make a decision on the future funding of the broadcaster.

She said: "Those two Government reports are the only ones with recommendations that will be brought before Cabinet, but they're very comprehensive, very dense reports and I’m going to take a number of days to go through them in details with my officials before we bring them to Cabinet.

"The significance of them too is that I’ve always said we would not be in a position to look at that future funding model until we have those in place.

"So when I publish the reports, bring them to Cabinet and see the positive response I hope to see from RTÉ in relation to any of the recommendations then we can move, which I would like to do swiftly."

The two reports, on governance and culture, and HR and staff matters, were commissioned by Ms Martin last summer.

At that time, she also appointed Mazars to investigate RTÉ's barter account and any other off balance sheet entities.

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