Monday 13 March 2023

Broadband TV News: More job losses at Sky Italia

Story from Broadband TV News:

A further 800 posts are under threat at Sky Italia with the broadcaster blaming touch economic conditions.

Unions Slc CGIL, Fistel Cisl and Uilcom said a cost reduction programme will now affect a total of 1,200 salaried and freelance staff. Workers will need to choose between voluntary redundancy and retraining for new roles in the new 2024-25 plan.

“The redefinition of the transformation plan foresees an impact on 800 additional resources, including internal and external workers, in addition to the 400 job positions already foreseen in the agreement signed with the social partners in 2021,” Sky Italia said in a statement.

Sky Italia’s total workforce is just over 4,000 employees. Another 5,000 are indirectly employed.

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