Tuesday 4 July 2023

Broadband TV News: Almost half of European children’s channels are US owned

Story from Broadband TV News:

New research from the European Audiovisual Observatory has found one in five of the top 50 TV groups and more than a third of the top 50 groups for on-demand services has a non-European parent company.

The Observatory says US players represent the largest group of non-European parent companies of AV services in Europe. Around one in five (18%) of all private TV channels (excluding local TV) are US-owned and over one third of all SVOD (39%) and TVOD (33%) services in Europe belong to a US company.

US players lead in the field of kids TV and entertainment SVOD. Around half of all children’s TV channels in Europe are US-owned (48%).

US players have by far the largest scope of operating markets across Europe. The Walt Disney Company, for example, has a virtual European omnipresence, operating in 44 European TV markets.

Its Disney+ streaming service is increasingly the home for content that was once found on Disney Channel, which has withdrawn from a number of markets. Likewise, Nickelodeon is also a part of Paramount+.

Around one in five (18%) of all TV channels (excluding local TV) are US-owned and over one third of all SVOD (39%) and TVOD (33%) services in Europe belong to a US company (For multi-country SVOD and TVOD services, one catalogue is counted as one service.)

US players dominate kids TV and entertainment SVOD.

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